Skeletal System Support
Skeletal System Support
An essential vitamin for skeletal strength. The human body is equipped with the amazing ability to synthesize vitamin D3 through exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. However, many people today are lacking in their daily dose of sunlight due to indoor living and excessive sunscreen. Like a ray of sunshine, Synergy’s vitamin D3 provides the perfect amount of this essential nutrient to ensure a greater state of overall health. Vitamin D3 also helps bolster muscle metabolism and function, so your heart can get an extra measure of healthy love at the same time.
Of the many roles vitamin D3 fulfills in the body, one of the most important is to enable calcium absorption. As such, the body is unable to digest calcium without adequate levels of D3. Insufficient levels of calcium can then lead to osteoporosis and eventually bone loss. Vitamin D3 also works to promote bone mineralization in the body, helping support your skeletal structure – there’s no bones about it.
This month, receive ONE FREE bottle of Vitamin D3 with the purchase of a 4-Pack of of Vitamin D3. To learn more about this exciting offer, see the details HERE. Available by calling Synergy Customer Service at 801.769.7800.
For more information about Vitamin D3, check out our Fact Sheet: Vitamin D3
Questions? Contact our friendly Customer Service agents today.