Monthly Challenge Update
Monthly Challenge Update
Already in the second half of April we are seeing great success from North American Team Members. Pete Miller is just under 3000 points for the month, and Steve Johnson is not too far behind. Everyone in this month’s Top 10 so far has over a thousand points! Keep up the good work everyone– you are on the track to some great prizes and, more importantly, an incredible vacation in Cabo!
Click here to see the Top 50 Challenge Leaderboards>>>
An important update has been made to the Top 50 Challenge rules: The North American Advisory Board and Executive Team have determined that it is the best interest of Team Member across the market for monthly Top 50 points to be earned only up until midnight (MDT) on the last day of each month. This means backdated orders will no longer count toward the previous month’s totals for Top 10 prizes and awards. Cumulative points will continue to be earned with backdated orders. Final Top 50 points may be earned up until midnight of September 30th.
Be sure to plan ahead and get your point totals to soar high before the end of each month to qualify for prizes like iPad Minis, bluetooth speakers, Synergy products and more.
Don’t forget, Cabo is approaching quickly, so set your sights on September 30th and qualify to have Synergy save your seat on the warm Mexican