Happy Birthday NSP 17 Apr 2014
Happy Birthday NSP
Today marks the 42nd birthday of Nature’s Sunshine Products, Inc., the partner company of Synergy WorldWide. This industry giant has been setting an example of integrity and progress for over four decades now, and Synergy benefits from that example every day. Our strong partnership with NSP is valued immensely, and we look forward to the next four decades together.
Nature’s Sunshine became a reality 42 years ago as the Hughes family sat around their kitchen table and began encapsulating powdered capsicum to share. Their pioneering vision revolutionized the natural supplement industry, and their dedication, determination and personal sacrifice laid a strong foundation that has been continually reinforced by Synergy/NSP’s commitment to quality, service and integrity.
As we wish NSP a happy 42nd birthday, we also want to thank the many Synergy Team Members for their efforts to carry on the traditions and values that the Hughes emphasized through the company’s history.
For more information about the strategic partnership between NSP and Synergy, click here.